Current teaching
Undergraduate Courses
BIM 152: Molecular Control of Biosystems: Introduction to Systems Biomedicine. Offered in Spring Quarter since Academic Year 2009-2010. New elective course. Taught in Academic Years 2009-2010 (Spring), …
BIM 189C: Computational tools and applications in Bioengineering and Biomedicine. Offered in Spring Quarter since Academic Year 2015-2016. New elective course. Taught in Academic Years 2015-2016 (Spring), …
Graduate Courses
BIM 289A: Molecular Systems Biomedicine. Offered in Spring Quarter since Academic Year 2007-2008. New interdisciplinary graduate course. Taught in Academic Years 2007-2008 (Spring), …
Former courses taught
BIM 105: Probability and Statistics for Biomedical Engineers. Offered (typically) in Fall Quarter since Academic Year 2008-2009. New upper division course (core course for BME). Taught in Spring 2009, Fall 2009, Fall 2010, Fall 2011, and Fall 2012.
Research Opportunities
Join the lab: There are great opportunities for talented undergraduate and graduate students to join the group. Interested undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to contact me at